Tuesday, December 20, 2011

UFOs and alien beings

Have you ever been to Foxwoods? Well if you havent, it is an extremely large, and when I say extremely I mean 4.7 million square feet, the largest casino in the world and it contains the largest number of slot machines in the world with over 7,900. Wandering through the casino in such a daze, looking at the extremely high ceilings and entryways, the oak covered restaurant facades, the plush carpets, the grandeosity of the place is truly startling. And it was clean. The floors were clean, no where did I look was litter on the floor for more than 10 minutes time. This is a place that is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Sort of like a hospital. It felt alive to me. There have been births, deaths, fortunes attained, and life savings surrendered. Hope, despair, friendship, loneliness...
I went to Foxwoods to see a friend of mine from college, I trek down to Foxwoods every 2-3 years to meet up with my friend, to see him, lose some money, and try to learn something about people...I never go with any intentions of walking away with winnings, I think of the times I have gone to any casino, I have won perhaps twice and lost many other times. It is an odd experience, I used to play blackjack, get up to the felt, settled in, bet for a while, watch some people come in drunk ravingly happy, most went away broke, drunk and depressed, but a few...perhaps 1 that I recall...won..Its funny I can remember him to this day, a black guy in a sweater, drunk and constantly ordering drinks..winning hand, after hand after hand...who knows perhaps in retrospect everything seems larger than it is..but he won. I on the other hand, am one of the multitude of losers that goes to the casino. Some will say, I go, not to win, but to have fun. Ok, I can understand that. I dont like to lose money at a casino though, even if I get to meet some people and perhaps learn a thing or two about human nature and the nature of behavior and the multitude of experiences that occur.. The other reason I dont like going is because I feel hypocritical being a Christian. So I go at odds with myself, one part of me wanting the experience, the other part not wanting to potentially take away the savings or hope of a desperate individual...
So what does Foxwoods have to do with UFOs and alien beings? I knew you were wondering what the point was and when I would get to it..well to me an alien is anything that is not based in reality, and for me my reality consists of my wife, kids, minivan, soccer practice, local 3000 sq ft restaurants, and work. Foxwoods to me is alien. When I go into Foxwoods I feel I am entering an alien planet. The whole of it feels strange, unreal, vast and unattainable, unsustainable. I imagine the number of toilets, the amount of water, the amount of electricity, the amount of everything..enormous...to serve the need of millions of starving people..starving for entertainment..starving for companionship..for riches...yet the riches are a fantasy..almost as big a fantasy as the casino is, and how the casino morphed into the mammoth enterprise it is today from the seed of those fantasies..
When I was a little lad of the ripe old age of about a decade, I had the chance encounter of a spacecraft. It was quite interesting, myself and my friend at the time, were walking down a dirt street in a campground, on our way back from a dance at the rec center. I remember us both stopping and looking up into the trees above us and then out to the clearing to our left. Scott was mesmerized and he pulled me and had me look. I looked and froze in awe. It was quite a sight, it had a ring of red lights, it was black, it hovered over us, and then immediately accelerated to the distant sky. We ran to tell anyone who listen, which was no one, they would rather play pool, Pac Man, or ironically enough Galatica. That experience, opened my eyes to the mystery we live in..I called my friend Scott some 20 years later, and he had no recollection of the events, but apparently the same night of the UFO encounter; during a game of truth or dare, I was told to dare Scott's buddy to kiss a girl, well Scott informed me that those 2 kids got married and have their own kids. To me that is almost as bizarre as the alien spaceship, that something I did as a 10 year old changed 2 peoples lives in such an amazing way.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

annual christmas party

Nita and I had a great time dancing at the Christmas party, it was a good time. Man was that a workout I was sweating bullets


they should revolutionize caskets, make them biodegradable, I was thinking put seeds in the casket so that when the casket degrades have flowers and a tree sprout from your grave, and instead of a tombstone have an ID that can be scanned by a smartphone that takes a person to an autobiography of your life and pictures of your life, kind of like a story of your life, maybe with a link to ancestry.com

Friday, December 16, 2011


Ok, wow, I am a little shocked right now, I just found out that I can check to see the traffic on my blog, and it breaks it down by country, and interestingly enough, or frightening enough, I have a huge following in Iran..should I be nervous?

Perhaps its time for a new title for my blog

Well I am an attending, I work at Cooley Dickinson Hospital in Northampton. Being a full fledged physician has its perks and it definitely has its own set of learning experiences. Thus far I have learned how to start my own corporation, how to start a corporation with partners, how to be a trustee, clerk, president, and multiple other business associated activities that I had no clue about a little less than a year ago.
I must say that I do enjoy my job a lot. I like to work with people on a daily basis. I love having the specialized knowledge that I have and the sense of accomplishment that I have. I know you may be reading this and to yourself this guy is naive, a little too sentimental, but no I just live my life by my own standards and by what makes me happy....
Per the vacations that I seem to write about in the past, we went to Ogunquit again this year. We enjoyed a very good dinner this time around at the Front Porch in Ogunquit. Not bad. We stayed at a bed and breakfast this time in Perkins Cove, it was definitely a great place to stay.
This year I have been more involved with my son Oliver in running. He has run in a number of 5 k races and has performed very well.
Well its Christmas time and I just put up my lights, I gotta run and do some stuff, so more writing later. Adios.