Saturday, February 21, 2015

President Barack Obama is a fool

Krauthammer 'Stunned' By Obama's 'Banal & Offensive' Prayer Breakfast Remarks

Discussion regarding false moral equivalency of the presidents statements

How does the president reconcile the fact that he is making a straw man argument? In order for his argument to work, you first need to be a Christian, if you are a Jew, Hindu, Atheist, etc, his argument means nothing. Your ancestors weren't Christians that were involved in the Crusades, so how does that fact exonerate the fact that muslims are killing innocent people? It doesn't, his argument is flawed.
Weak part of argument number two. The Crusades happened nearly a millennia ago. There has been a number of occurrences in Western Civilization that have managed to alleviate the power that the Christian church has over society. In order for President Obamas argument to hold any sway, you would have to wipe out the Enlightenment, the introduction of movable type, the mass literacy of the populace, and the internet. Once people were able to read the bible themselves and the failings of the bible were brought to the open, the bible was no longer allowed to have the same fundamental innerancy that it once had. These events have not had the same hold on Islam as it has on most other parts of the world. Illiteracy in muslim countries is widespread. The introduction of freedom of religion and freedom from religion is not the norm in muslim countries.
Issue number three. The objective of the crusades was to prevent the islamization of the entire western world and to try to regain some territory that had been lost from the west to the muslims. This point was entirely missed in the presidents speech. Besides it wouldn't have been the fault of the muslims, as they gained all territory peacefully in his mind, I am sure.
The main issue that I have with President Obama is he understands the lack of knowledge of his core constituency. He owns the Walmart shopper. He doesn't own the Saks or Wall street type. The troubling part of the matter is that he also owns most academicians, simply because the Republicans are the home of the religious right. With the press and university in his corner, Obama is able to speak such dribble without any backlash. He is able to spread the blame for terrorism. He can make the argument that it isn't the fault of the terrorist, but the real fault is in each of us, each American.

Here are some of Obamas famous quotes, if you agree with these quotes, I would enjoy knowing why.

"If you've got a business- you didn't build that, someone else made that happen."

"I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I'm going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."

This quote is especially cringe worthy. Is this a utilitarian philosophy he is trying to espouse? That the best decision is what garners the greatest happiness? Is he espousing hedonism here? But is this truly the most happy of decisions? In his mind it must be. The baby is labeled as such..a baby, he doesn't say fetus or pregnancy, he says baby. To him, a baby is equal to a mistake. 

If you are at all interested in a what an intellectual has to say about the future and the truth of our current world crisis, then listen to an intellectual. Obama is clearly a populist president. He makes zero qualms about this. He enjoys debasing himself (or being himself) in order to relate to what he supposes is the mindset of his constituents. He paints a bleak portrait of the common man and woman. He thinks them so stupid as to believe or to view a baby as a mistake and to think that terrorists actions are exonerated due to the actions of a group from a thousand years ago.

Christopher Hitchens debating Islam

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