Saturday, November 4, 2017

Socialistic Government Hates its Disciples

Swedish citizens hold their government in a higher regard than their parents and siblings studies reveal. Is this citizenry appropriation of admiration reciprocated? No. The Swedish government has enacted a full bore program of replacement migration. The government has declared the vibrancy of the new population outweighs the value of the native population. The government declares the natives have a stale valueless culture. This is the end game of a populace that subjugates itself to the paternalism of the state. The state eviscerates the blood and the soul of the populace, blatantly, in front of the unarmed population. There is no shame. This not a quick release, a death that could be termed a sweet blissful journey to the great beyond. No. This is a blood thirsted craftsmen of cruelty slowly and profanely basking in the pain and the tortured cries of its victims. The populace realize they are being led to a inhumane tortured demise, but in a mind controlled trance, the victims willingly glides to their place amongst their brethren and affixes the hooks of the states propaganda into their muscle and sinew and are violently and knowingly thrusted from one blissful willing altruistic suicidal daydream  to a blood filled bath of prolonged torture of themselves, their families, and their communities. This is socialism. Socialism is propaganda that serves to entrance the population to the point that they assist in their own tortured demise.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Election interference is home grown, not Russian born

It was approximately one year ago, when angry tweeters alleged that Jack Dorsey et al., were purposefully censoring and “suppressing” certain content on Twitter, namely anything to do with the leaked DNC and John Podesta emails, as well as hashtags critical of Hillary Clinton while “shadow-banning” pro-Donald Trump content.
We can now confirm that at least one part of the above was true, because during today’s Senate hearing, Twitter admitted it “buried”, which is another word for censored, significant portions of tweets related to hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign chair John Podesta in the months heading into the 2016 presidential campaign.
As Daily Caller’s Peter Hasson reports, Twitter’s systems hid 48 percent of tweets using the #DNCLeak hashtag and 25 percent of tweets using #PodestaEmails, Twitter general counsel Sean Edgett said in his written testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.

Our own media is colluding with the Democratic Party to advance the interests of that party at the expense of the American public.